
Modular OSC & MIDI touch control surface

Version 1.8.1

Mar 31, 2012

  • Added setting of control/child-control color with MIDI messages (new "c" var)
  • Added touch y position velocity emulation option to Push-button controls
  • Added MIDI message sending/receiving for Tab-pages
  • Added custom OSC messages for Tab-pages
  • Added "no rollover" option to Rotary controls to prevent jump from/to full/zero (default for all
  • Added LiveControl layouts
  • Added additional control colors
  • Changed resolution of Bonjour services to IP addresses instead of host-names
  • Fixed Toggle-button received MIDI/OSC message value range behavior
  • Fixed Multi-toggle MIDI Note message receive
  • Fixed OSC size messages for Fader controls
  • Fixed Rx/Tx indicator rendering
  • Updated artwork (including support for the Retina iPad display)

Version 1.8

Dec 17, 2011

  • Added MIDI Bridge connection, download the free TouchOSC MIDI Bridge application for Windows and OS X from
  • Toggle button behavior problems fixed
  • OSC Network connection and Bonjour advertising now enabled at application start-up
  • New layout: Jog-On for NI Traktor by
  • New layouts: ViZPad and ViZPod for TouchViZ

Version 1.7.4

Oct 5, 2011

  • Added Multi-Toggle "exclusive" mode, forcing only one toggle control to be active at all times
  • Added Multi-XY control for sending up to 5 touch-points simultaneously
  • Added loading and optional up-scaling of iPhone layouts on iPad
  • Added different color display of disabled connections on settings screen

Version 1.7.3

Jul 30, 2011

  • New control: Multi-Push
  • New control: Encoder
  • Added setting of control position with OSC messages: /control/position/x, /control/position/y
  • Added setting of control z-order with OSC messages: /control/position/z
  • Added setting of control width and height with OSC messages: /control/size/w, /control/size/h
  • Multi-Toggle controls now allow multiple touch input
  • Corrected sending/receiving of MIDI Program Change messages via CoreMIDI connections
  • Corrected order of MIDI z-message sending for all controls
  • Corrected rendering of Push controls to match editor preview
  • Corrected rendering of LED controls to match editor preview

Version 1.7.2

Jun 14, 2011

  • Added "Double-tap pages" option to prevent accidental switching of pages
  • Renamed "Double-tap lock" option to "Double-tap settings"
  • Corrected handling of OSC color change messages for LED controls
  • Corrected order of OSC z-message sending for Push and Toggle controls
  • Fixed an issue where Multi-controls with custom OSC addresses would not receive messages
  • Fixed an issue where Multi-controls would still react to input when invisible
  • Fixed an issue with sending of z-messages for Multi-controls
  • Fixed an issue where Label and LED controls would react to input after changing visibility
  • Fixed a timeout issue when downloading large layouts from the editor

Version 1.7.1

May 3, 2011

  • Fix for custom OSC addresses

Version 1.7

Apr 26, 2011

  • CoreMIDI support (iOS 4.2 or greater)
  • Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer support
  • New control: Time display
  • New control: Battery charge display
  • Rotary controls now show initial position marker
  • Raised MultiFader limit to 64
  • Improved multi-tasking support
  • Various bug-fixes

Version 1.6.4

Mar 7, 2011

  • Bug-fixes and stability improvements

Version 1.6.3

Jan 12, 2011

  • Support for iTunes File Sharing: Layouts can now be managed via the USB-cable connection using iTunes
  • Basic multi-tasking support
  • Multiple controls with the same custom OSC address now receive the same message
  • ControlPush and ControlToggle now turn on for any received value greater than zero
  • Added z message sending to all controls
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to enter a custom editor host address
  • Various minor bug fixes
  • New icon
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