
Next generation modular control surface
TouchOSC Manual

Preferences · Editor

Show Grid

Toggle the rendering of a grid in the background of the editing surface and configure spacing, appearance and color.

Snap to Grid

Toggle whether controls will snap to the editor grid when being positioned.

Show Rulers

Toggle the rendering of rulers at the top and left edges of the editing surface.

Create default MIDI messages

When creating a new control, automatically create and configure a suitable MIDI message as well.

Create default OSC messages

When creating a new control, automatically create and configure a suitable OSC message as well.

Assign new names on copy/paste

When copy/pasting a control, automatically assign a new name to the control.

Pager navigation only with ALT key

When editing a document, a Pager control's navigation bar is enabled by default and allows to switch between pages as one would when in control surface mode. This option enables this behaviour only when the ALT key is held down at the same time.

Note: This option is only available on desktop platforms.

Font Size

Font size used by the script editor.

Word Wrap

Enables word wrapping in the script editor.

Code Highlighting

Enables colored code highlighting in the script editor.

Code Completion

Enables code completion in the script editor.

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